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Bottle of Brucato Amaro Chaparral
Collage of images of drinks, plants, and Brucato Logo.


Warm, bright herbal flavor, with a long-lasting mint and anise finish.

California chaparral covers the foothills and mountain slopes along the coast. Characterized by manzanita, sage brush, and scrub oak, the grey-green rugged hills explode with wildflowers in the spring.  

Brucato Chaparral’s dominant ingredients are yerba santa (a California native herb with a distinct bittersweet flavor, highly revered by apothecaries for its medicinal properties), spearmint, and cardamom.

Bottle of Brucato Amaro Orchards
Collage of Brucato Amaro Orchards, logo, cocktails and ingredients.


Juicy apricot and candied orange flavors, followed by notes of warm spices and walnuts.

California’s orchards stretch from the Central Valley to the Coastal Range. Rolling hills line fertile valleys of apricot, walnut, and almond trees. In the springtime, the orchards turn white with blossoms, and in summer they lie heavy with fruit.

Brucato Orchards’ dominant ingredients are apricots, walnuts, meyer lemon, orange, and cinnamon.

Brucato Amaro Woodlands Bottle
Collage of Brucato Amaro Woodlands, cocktails, and ingredients


All dark fruits and berries, with a distinctly chocolaty undertone, and a woodsy bitterness at the finish.

The live oak woodlands that line the California coast fill with fog in the mornings and dappled sunlight in the afternoon. The canopy provides shade for huckleberries and hawthorn, and protection for blossoming elderberries.

Brucato Woodlands’ dominant ingredients are elderberry, cocoa nibs, black fig, and citrus.